Get your song reviewed with a Song Review Services2 min read

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Today I write to you an offer which is guaranteed to make your next song and current music project a big success.

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Have you ever Been working on a song and you just don’t have the feeling of satisfaction about it. Because you know what a good music sounds like but right now while making your own song, you are just not sure about what it really sounds like. This article contains the solution, Don’t know i know that feeling.

In my 8 years experience of making songs, both commercially and privately, i know that making a song could get automated sometimes. I simply mean that while making a song, it could just get rigid; extremely rigid that no matter how much you try to correct it, the same melody which you are trying to change just keep coming into your head.

This the stage where many potential hit songs die. Yes they die. It is a very common stage in song creation that it has killed over 65% of hit songs. How many of your own songs have died half way, even though you know already that you have a good hook already? (I used to have several of them until i figured out the solution from 8 years of personal and paid music lessons and researches).

Follow this simple check list to try to help yourself out of this syndrome that kills potential hit songs:

  1. Clearly Write down your SONG TITLE
  2. If you don’t have a song title yet (some songs are like that) then just make sure you have the SONG THEME clearly written down on a paper. This could be a brief summary of the story line. i.e. the emotions of how you feel.

To address this  “song killer syndrome” I am happy to introduce to you our “SONG REVIEW” and “SONG MODIFICATION” SERVICES.

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Key Features

  1. We will listen to your song and give you useful solutions on how to continue the song
  2. we will listen to the song and simply continue it to the next bar.

You have nothing to loose, but so much to gain, use the contact form to start